
School Council 2014-2015

At our September 16th meeting, our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer were chosen. Congratulations to the following:

Chair: Maria Schnarr - schnarr.maria@gmail.com
Secretary: Cynthia Mar - ckmar005@yahoo.ca
Treasurer: Samira Ouazz - souaaz@yahoo.com

Thank you as well to all parents/guardians who have agreed to act as members-at-large for the council.

Meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of each month, except for December and March. All meetings start at 7 and end between 8 and 8:30. All parents/guardians of students at Greenbank Middle School are welcome to meetings but only those elected to council at the September meeting will have a vote.

This year, School Council will organize the milk program, pizza lunch, Mommy's Yummies, Scholastic Book Fair, and the grade 8 grad dance. We are also hoping to organize the ski program. If you are interested in acting as a ski coordinator, please email Chair Maria Schnarr.

Council is run by volunteers. If you are interested in contributing, please email Chair Maria Schnarr.

Thank you!